Alkiza | PR: Small Tours

Crosses and night birds tour


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hernio ernio

This beautiful route allows us to climb to the top of Hernio and enjoy a wide panoramic view. On this four-hour hike you will come across beech, oak, birch, birch, groves and ferns. Along the way we will find the remains of old coal bunkers and we will pass many magical spots.

The Hirumugarrieta cairn is a must. From there, we will reach the summit of Hernio. On the way down, we can take a break at the Zelatun sheepfold. This is a special place where mountaineers from the region and from all over the Basque Country gather, especially during the pilgrimage days in September. On the way down from the summit we can make a stop in Zelatun to recharge our batteries, as we can enjoy a good meal in the old shepherds' huts.

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14.3 km

04:35 h

Slope of rise
1001 m

Slope of descent
1001 m

alkiza hernio gazume zec ernio
Alkiza-Hernio gazume
Hernio Gazume Alkiza ernio
Hernio Gazume Alkiza
Alkiza routes
Hernio climb from Alkiza
Hernio climb from Alkiza

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