Abaltzisketa Amezketa | PR: Small Tours

Txindoki Path

PR-Gi 2005

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In this long and wonderful route, we can see some of the different types of landscapes that we can find in Aralar. Starting from the church of San Martín, we enter a rural environment full of farmhouses.

After leaving the Larraitz recreation area behind, the first ramps of the Txindoki mountain present us with the regions of Goierri and Tolosaldea with their small nuclei of buildings, farmhouses, different crops and the Ibiur reservoir.

As the presence of the Txindoki becomes greater, the high pastures of Aralar come into view and we enjoy its sinuous morphology. Shepherds' ridges surrounded by ash trees and enclosures. We end up descending along paths through pine and oak woods.

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15.1 km

06:00 h

Slope of rise
991 m

Slope of descent
991 m

Starting point
San Martin church


Severity of the natural environment / 2

Orientation on the itinerary / 2

Difficulty os displacement / 3

Amount of effort / 4

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