Tolosa | PR: Small Tours

Intxur tour


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Intxur tour

This path begins at the Fronton of Aldaba. From the back of the church we will reach a wide track that goes up along with the pine forest. If we continue along the main road we will arrive in front of the Pagadi farm and there we will take the path on the right. We will continue climbing and at the junction we will take to the left and continue along the hill of Madariaga, we will go out to the road that goes up to Albiztur. The path will take us to the antennas of Labarrekieta, and right at the point where it ends, we will take to the left, and at the top we will reach the site of Intxur.

From this archaeological site, from the pine forest on the right, we will go down to the Mandramuño hut, and we will go surrounding the mountain on the left. When we reach a path, we will take to the left and go to the Lopedegi farm. The last stretch of the route follows the road to Aldaba.

PR-Gi 74.1 is a route with the same starting point, but with 4.66km and 190 metres of height difference, it is an easier alternative.

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10.3 km

03:15 h

Slope of rise
580 m

Slope of descent
580 m

Starting point
Aldaba's fronton court

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