Amezketa | PR: Small Tours

Mine valley

PR-Gi 2006

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Mine valley

The locals call this narrow path that opens up in these craggy rocks 'el camino de la Mina' (the path of the mine). Mining has been a very important practice for the inhabitants of Amezketa.

The mine was opened in 1732 and remained active until the 20th century. There are documents that confirm that in its heyday, some 300 people worked at Arritzaga.

It even had a church and a priest. The people moved along the path shown here. They transported foodstuffs and the necessary goods along it. They brought down the extracted mineral through it. There are many resources to be found along the way. Walk carefully up the Arritzaga stream and you will be able to enjoy this unique environment.

5.4 km

02:20 h

Slope of rise
653 m

Slope of descent
39 m

Starting point
Amezketa's San Martin recreational area

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