Ibarra | PR: Small Tours

Belabieta Way

PR-Gi 115 | IBARRA

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The route starts at the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Izaskun, along the path that goes up to Uzturre. At the second crossroads, turn right towards Belabieta. The path on the left leads directly to Uzturre.

You will soon reach the Orieta farmhouse. From here we continue along the track and at the first crossroads we choose the option on the left. A
n reaching the Belabieta pass, turn 180º and continue along the waterside towards Uzturre. When we reach the crossroads that gives us the option to climb to the summit, we continue straight on towards Anoeta.

We leave the forest to enter an orchard, always taking the paths on the left and descending to the shepherd's hut. A steep slope takes us to the Urkieta house and from here, along the road we climbed at the beginning of the route, we descend back to the Sanctuary.

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10.8 km

02:30 h

Slope of rise
665 m

Slope of descent
665 m

Starting point
Izaskun chapel (Ibarra)

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