Belauntza facts

286 inhabitants

San Juan, 24th June

A very rural sunny spot

Belauntza has its name linked to a warlike event, the battle of Beotibar, in which Gipuzkoa and Navarre fought in 1321. On the slopes of Erroizpe mountain the local troops caught the ones from Navarre by surprise. Nowadays in this same place beautiful farmhouses are located, and thanks to their orientation they enjoy many hours of sunlight.

Other points
of interest

San Juan Bautista parish church

An archaeological dig inside this Reinassance church discovered a unique site: a solid former construction prior to the 11th century (possibly Roman), an 11th century altar, a Romance church apse (13th century) and the apse of a Gothic temple, from which there are still remains on the actual nave, among them, the pointy entrance on the south facade.

San Juan Bautista parish church

San Jose chapel

Small chapel-calvary located on the diversion to Belauntza, which named one of the multiple paper mills that used to be located here: San Jose. The main piece is the arcade, and above this there’s the choir. The sacristy and tower were added later. The statue inside was given as present by the Hermanas Concepcionistas from Martutene, after the previous one was stolen in 2009.

San Jose chapel

Bowling alley

The love for bowling has been present in Belauntza for decades. There used to be another bowling alley, which was destroyed by the 1983 flooding. Together with the construction of the new bowling alley in 2022, restoration works are being done aswell.

Bowling alley


There are different farmhouses that even though they aren’t currently inhabitated, they’re still cultural assets due to their history and architecture. Worth mentioning, for example, Egoskozabal (16th century); Galarraga, with a large coat of arms on its facade; or Artabe Auzkoa and Aranguren Auzkoa, both from the early 19th century.

