Amezketa facts

937 inhabitants

San Bartolome, 24th August

Highly valuable intangible and natural heritage

Amezketa perfectly sums up a great part of Tolosaldea’s identity: shepherding, bertsos, mythology, Basque pelota, beliefs, mining, nature... It’s one of Aralar’s entrances, through Euskadi’s only glacial valley. Its peculiar church is one of the lasts in which the tradition of placing “argizaiolas” (boards for candles in memory of the deceased ones) on top of the graves remains.

The most essential
of Amezketa.

Other points
of interest

Arritzaga: the door to Aralar

Arritzaga glacial valley in Aralar is a beautiful alpine style valley. It keeps the remains of Euskadi’s only glacial valley and of the heritage of Buruntzunzin copper mines, exploited since 1732, at an altitude of 900m. It’s a unique scenery.

Aralar Minas Arritzaga
Arritzaga: the door to Aralar

San Martin chapel and recreational area

The beautiful chapel built betwen the 13th and 15th centuries on the highest part of Amezketa, next to a picnic area with tables and grills, a place to calmly enjoy the peace while looking at Txindoki mountain. A sculpture by Guillermo Olmo, made of 60 columns from farmhouses in the nearby area, symbolises a tree graveyard to remember how Aralar used to be the source of material to supply the region.

San Martin Amezketa
San Martin chapel and recreational area

Pello Zabala space

There used to be two mills to use the hydraulic power of Aralar’s water. Only the urban area mill remains, built in the 17th century and recently renovated. Many treasures are kept on the inside.

Amezketa Pello Zabala
Pello Zabala space

A fronton court on the base of Txindoki mountain

Basque pelota has very strong roots in Amezketa, birthplace of famous “pelotaris”, such as Jokin Altuna, champion on different events. The walls of this outdoors fronton court, located in the square under the watchful eye of Fernando Amezketarra’s bust , has served as training ground. Next to it Larrunari fronton court and the town hall are located.

Amezketa fronton
A fronton court on the base of Txindoki mountain

Marizulo, Mari’s cave

Cave where goddess Mari, icon of Basque mythology, used to live. The cave is located on Muitze valley, on the base of Txindoki or Larrunarri mountain. It can also be spotted from the church.

Marizulo Amezketa
Marizulo, Mari’s cave

Ugarte church

Ugarte neghbourhood is just 1km from the entrance to the village. The church, vestige of the 13th century, has a Romanesque entrance and keeps another treasure inside: the statue of Our Lady of Remedios, from the same period.

Ugarte Amezketa
Ugarte church

Amezketa entrace
Amezketa Ugarte church
Amezketa Ugarte church
Amezketa porch
Amezketa porch
Amezketa Espila saletxe farmhouse
Amezketa Espila saletxe farmhouse
Amezketa old farmhouse
Amezketa old farmhouse
Amezketa Zubiarrain txiki farmhouse
Amezketa Zubiarrain txiki farmhouse
Amezketa fronton
Amezketa fronton
Guillermo Olmo sculpture Amezketa San Martin
Guillermo Olmo sculpture Amezketa San Martin
Amezketa Jauregi Aundi
Amezketa Jauregi Aundi
Amezketa San Bartolome Church
Amezketa San Bartolome Church
Guillermo Olmo sculpture Amezketa San Martin
Guillermo Olmo sculpture Amezketa San Martin
Amezketa San Bartolome Church
Amezketa San Bartolome Church
Amezketa San Bartolome Church
Amezketa San Bartolome Church
Escultura Guillermo Olmo San Martin 2 Amezketa Aralar
Guillermo Olmo sculpture Amezketa San Martin
Pello zabala
Pello Zabala
Amezketa fronton
Amezketa fronton
Amezketa square
Amezketa square
Amezketa San Martin
Amezketa San Martin
Amezketa square
Amezketa square
Amezketa San Martin
Amezketa San Martin
Amezketa San Martin
Amezketa San Martin
Pello zabala
Pello zabala
Amezketa square
Amezketa square