A journey through the life of the Giant of Altzo

The route of the Giant of Altzo

The most important things to see in Altzo

A small itinerary runs through some of the most important points of Altzo, where still today remains of the expectation that originated around Miguel Joakin Eleizegi, the Giant of Altzo. There is a short route and a longer one, both without great difficulty.

Tolosako Azoka

The Giant of Altzo's measurements

The giant of Altzo came to measure 2.42 meters in height. He wore a size 63, with shoes that measured 42 centimeters. Its wingspan with open arms was 2.27 meters.

Two posible routes

The tour starts at the Altzo's Square and is divided into two. The long route, marked with red color, goes down to the neighborhood of Altzo Azpi; the short route avoids this section, and is marked with orange color.

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