Touring a landscape of literary inspiration

The Path of the Lizard of Asteasu

Walk through the territory of a bestseller

The path of the Lizard takes us to the literary world of the renowned writer Bernardo Atxaga, who was inspired by the landscapes of Asteasu for several of his works. It is a journey that combines fiction and reality, and puts in value our language: Euskera.

Tolosako Azoka

Asteasu and Obaba

Obaba is an indeterminate place where the author's best-known narratives are located, such as Sugeak txoriari begiratzen dionean (When the snake looks at the bird, 1989) Bi letter (Two letters, 1990), and, Obabakoak, work translated into 26 languages.

Words from the author

"When it came to creating Obaba, I started from the physical geography of Asteasu. What you can see from the village cemetery, that's Obaba."

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