The story that inspired the film Handia

Handia, the Giant of Altzo

The 2.42m tall man

Handia, the film that won 10 Goya awards, filmed in Basque language and directed by Aitor Arregi and Jon Garaño, tells the real story of Miguel Joaquin Eleizegi, a man from Altzo who suffered from gigantism, which made him famous internationally. This is his story.

Tolosako Azoka

Miguel Joaquin Eleicegui

Miguel Joaquín Eleicegui has made Altzo’s name famours, as he was introduced as the Basque Giant in Europe. He was a real person, even if still nowadays there’s people who believe he was a mythological creature.

The Giant's measurements

The first time he was measured his height was 2.10m, while the last one gave a height of 2.42m. His arm span was of 2.27m. His weight reached 212kg. The length of his shoes was 42cm, while his gloves were 31cm long. His hat’s circumference was approximately 62cm.

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