Fagus Alkiza, discovering protected species

Hernio-Gazume Interpretation Centre

Hernio-Gazume showcase

Fagus Alkiza Interpretation Centre, located on the townhall’s attic highlights the importance of natural and cultural wealth in the Hernio-Gazume Special Conservation Area. 44% of Alkiza’s lands are part of it. It allows you to learn about both the species of fauna and flora that we can find in the Hernio-Gazume Special Conservation Area and their habitats.

Tolosako Azoka

Special Conservation Area

Hernio-Gazume Special Conservation Area is a 2,158 hectare limestone massif with karstic relief, that includes a high ecological and scenic value.

Nature, humans and culture

Besides highlighting the natural value of Hernio-Gazume, Fagus Alkiza has two other main themes: the human living there and the relationship between both.

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