Mondeju, a special sausage

What is mondeju?

Tolosaldea and Goierri´s product

There is not much room to find the mondeju, a sausage like pudding, which mixes calories and sheep fat with vegetables and eggs, especially in autumn, from October to January. It is usually done in rural villages closest to the Aralar Natural Park and with the greatest pastoral tradition. In Tolosaldea stand out Abaltzisqueta, Amezketa, Orendain, or Bedaio, while in Goierri Zaldibia is the highest exponent of Ardiki Day at the end of October.

Tolosako Azoka

One more "sacrament" for a bean meal

The mondeju (also called mondejo), in more and more places, is one more companion to the Tolosa beans, along with other traditional sacraments (side dishes): Ibarra chili peppers, vegetables black pudding, cooked chorizo, cabbage, and pork rib. They also serve as a pintxo snack before starting with beans.

From eating only at home to being coveted in Basque cuisine

History repeats itself: Tolosa beans were a daily product on farms, and only surplus was sold. The txakoli was the wine that was made for the house. And the mondeju has been a recipe for exploitation, undervalued in restoration. But the products have evolved, improving the taste and balance between the ingredients. And it's an increasingly precious product in today's gastronomy.

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