T-bone steak and carveries

Worldwide status meat

Internationally renowned carveries

Some lists have included Tolosa’s carveries among the places serving the best T-bone steak in the world. Maybe that’s really something! But without a doubt, thanks to their quality, history and singularity they’re grill references.

Tolosako Azoka

The first ox t-bone steaks

Tolosa’s carveries were the first to serve grilled ox T-bone steaks and creating the menu aroud it. They were also the first to introduce the tilted grill technique in order to make the grease fall, nowadays used worlwide.

Carvery menu

Since they don’t have a way of preserving the fresh products, the carvery menu was created based on easily preserved products. Although nowadays grilled fish, seasonal vegetables and other desserts are also served, this is the traditional menu.

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