Merchandising of Tolosa

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There are numerous souvenirs and gift items with places, elements and images of Tolosa: tote bags, mugs, cushions, umbrellas…

The designs are inspired by the Euskal Herria square, Verdura square, Uzturre, Tinglado marketplace and dozens of other places.

Where can I buy it?

Gudari kalea 8, 20400 TolosaCopyTec

Zerkausia 6, 20400 Tolosa Oskia Carrera

Plaza Zaharra 10, 20400 TolosaTolosaldea Tourist Information Centre

Berdura square cup
Berdura square cup
Tinglado umbrella
Tinglado umbrella
tote bag Letxuga (lettuce) street
tote bag Letxuga (lettuce) street
Tinglado marketplace water bottle
Tinglado marketplace water bottle
Old square cup
Old square cup
tote bag tolosa Euskal Herria square
tote bag Euskal Herria square
tote bag tolosa letxuga street
tote bag Letxuga (lettuce) street