Tolosa beans

Tolosa beans are sold in half-kilo or kilo sacks with certificates of origin and quality. The sacks bear a numbered control label and the Eusko Label certificate.

The information which must appear on the label is as follows: name, net content, date of packaging, date of minimum durability, packaging batch, commercial level and numbered Eusko Label control label.

In most of the points of sale of Tolosa beans you can buy the rest of the side dishes: jars of Ibarra chili peppers, black pudding and mondejus.

And if you want to prepare the beans properly, follow this traditional recipe.

Where can I buy it?

Euskal Herria kalea, 13, 20400 IbarraBarriola Butcher's shop

Zerkausia kalea, 9A, 20400 TolosaTolosa Market

Tolosa Bean Producers’ Association

Tolosa Bean Producers' Association
Bean selection
orexako ostatua tolosa bean
Tolosa bean
Tolosa bean
Tolosa bean