harrijasotzaile stone

The former harrijasotzaile (stone lifter) Iñaki Gorostidi is still attached to stones, once he has retired: he now works with stones creating precious sculptures and ornaments of many different kinds.

Stone sculptures are the most common, but you will also find more objects related to Basque culture: Basque rural sports, Basque sports teams, Basque symbolism, mythology…

His workshop is located at the Apakintza farmhouse in Aduna, and he receives visits on request (Reservations: +34 943 693 496). He also has a small museum on the history of stone lifting and his professional career. It is a great opportunity to delve into the world of Basque rural sports.

Where can I buy it?

Elbarrena Auzoa, 027a, 20150 AdunaApakintza farmhouse

mini stones
mini stones
Inaki Gorostidi stones
Inaki Gorostidi
Inaki Gorostidi
Inaki Gorostidi
Aduna stone lifter sculpture
Aduna stone lifter decoration