Basque music has many instruments that make it special: the txistu, the dulzaina, the atabal, the tambourine, the pandero, all kinds of txirulas or flutes…
They are deeply rooted in our culture and it is common to hear them in festive events, as well as in many Basque dance performances.
In Tolosaldea you can buy some of them. The craftsman Joxe Manuel Agirre is a point of reference in the Basque Country in this respect. He makes several of these instruments by hand in his workshop in Tolosa. To have a chat with him is to immerse yourself in the history of Basque culture.
Where can I buy it?
San Ignacio 4, 20400 IbarraTarukutraku
Ibaiondo 11, 20400 TolosaAgirre - Handmade instrumentsBy appointment or at www.musikagirre.com