Handmade jewellery

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In Tolosaldea there are several jewellers who work their pieces by hand. They all share one characteristic: they make jewellery based on nature, among other things.


Elena San Martin

The jeweller Elena San Martín, for example, makes rings, necklaces and earrings based on the Tolosa bean in her workshop in the Etxetxobekoa farmhouse in Tolosa. She also has a wide range of jewellery, all of which is handmade in her own workshop.



The Testone brand, located in Hernialde, for example, metallises and turns the natural leaves collected from the forests of the nearby mountains into jewellery. The results are truly unique.


Elena Cajaraville

Jeweller Elena Cajaraville makes her jewellery in the Urmara museum, located in the heart of the forest. She brings shapes from nature into her jewellery, creating elegant works of art.

Where can I buy it?

Santa Lutzia 12, 20400 TolosaElena San Martin699 873 159 / elenasanmartin.eus

Algamuño 4A, 20494 HernialdeTestone(By appointment only) or at Elketa Restaurant (testonehojas.com/shop)

Urmara Museoa, Azaldegi Bailara, 18, 20494, Alkiza Elena Cajaraville(By prior appointment)

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Joya Elena Cajaraville 2
Joya Elena Cajaraville 2
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Elena Cajaraville
Joya Elena Cajaraville
Joya Elena Cajaraville
testone jewelery
testone jewelery
testone jewelery
testone jewelery
testone jewelery
testone jewelery
testone jewelery
testone jewelery
testone jewelery
testone jewelery
testone jewelery
testone jewelery
testone jewelery
testone jewelery