How to get to Tolosaldea


Public Transport

Traveling to Tolosaldea, if you do it by public transport, can be very easy, both to move within the region, and to get there from any point in the Basque Country.

Public transport in Tolosaldea Public transport in the Basque Country

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By highway

Tolosaldea is very well connected by road and has easy access from all the nearby capitals in your own car.

From San Sebastian From Bilbao From Vitoria From Pamplona From Hendaye

Or also if you leave your car in San Sebastián, you can go to Tolosa both by bus and suburban train.

By Bus By Train

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Buses and trains

If you are traveling from outside the Basque Country, you can come either by bus or by train.

Buses Trains

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Van and motorhome rental

If you have considered traveling in a more independent way, you have the possibility of renting a van or motorhome, with airport service.
