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Larraulgo Ostatua, fire, smoke and embers

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This renowned steakhouse fills up during lunch hours.

More and more people from different places are coming to Zirta restaurant in Larraul's Ostatu

They offer the customer a gastronomic experience, providing high quality local produce.

Jangela / comedor
Jangela / comedor

Kokotxak eta txirlak / Cocochas y almejas
Kokotxak eta txirlak / Cocochas y almejas

Retrieving recipes

They work on recreating old dishes to bring back the flavours of yesteryear. What they call “grandfather’s limpet soup”, for example, and also butter, ‘intxaur saltsa’ or walnut sauce and a wide range of smoked foods cooked on the fire and grilled.

They have a tasting menu and an à la carte menu, which they adapt according to seasonal produce. The steak tartar that they smoke at the table, the artichokes, the pig’s ear, the veal roll smoked for ten hours…. They always use local produce as much as possible.

They pay special attention to the drinks that are produced in the area, defending their special and quality ways of making them. If you dare to try them, you won’t regret it, that’s for sure.

Platera / plato
Platera / plato
Bakailoa / Bacalao
Bakailoa / Bacalao

Visit Larraulgo Ostatua

Phone +34 943 69 18 55
San Esteban Plaza, 6 Behea
20159 Larraul, Gipuzkoa

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Zirta exterior / kanpoaldea
Zirta exterior / kanpoaldea

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