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Fagus Alkiza

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Fagus Alkiza

Fagus Alkiza Interpretation centre has three main themes: nature, humans living there and the culture as result of the relation of both elements.

Visiting the centre is free. There’s also the chance of doing guided tours on specific dates that will be announced on the website, however, guided tours for groups are available upon request.

1. Tour to get to know the landscape of Alkiza’s farmhouses
2. Askantxo Tour or Tour of the Bats
3. Itxurain tour or Night Birds Tour

Price of the guided tour and visit to the Interpretation Centre: 7€ per adult.
Children below 12, free. Unemployed, retired or euskaltegi groups: 5€

Contact information

How to getAlkiza Plaza, 7. 20494 Alkiza

Estimated duration02:00

LanguagesSpanish, Basque, Catalan and French

WhenAll year round


Phone number+34 688 604 466

More information
fagus alkiza
Fagus Alkiza
Fagus Alkiza
Fagus Alkiza
Fagus Alkiza
Fagus Alkiza
Fagus Alkiza
Fagus Alkiza
Fagus Alkiza
Fagus Alkiza
Fagus Alkiza
Fagus Alkiza