“Hizkidantza” – El Lagarto Baila
Tolosa | Cultural event
Hizkidantza is a dance between words, sounds and babbling that transports us to the universe of children’s imagination and to the processes of language acquisition in childhood.
Through a carefully crafted stage play, two characters, Terpsichore (dance) and Euterpe (music), breathe, explore and experiment with their bodies and voices in different ways of expression. As beings who have just arrived in the world, they interact with the materials, objects and events that occur in their environment, and articulate a non-verbal discourse that moves through moving images full of poetic musicality. A pas de deux in which reality and fantasy converge and dialogue in harmony.
Together they recreate an expressive universe, prior to the use of language and knowledge of the alphabet, where words and letters fly as passengers in a whirlwind of sounds that dance with each other, full of meaning. Where language is perceived as music and it is sung and danced with the body.
El Lagarto Baila presents an educational show that aims to connect directly with the artistic desire of its audience and invite them to enjoy body and musical expression with their families.
At the Leidor in Tolosa at 5:00 p.m.