Ikaztegieta’s Festivities
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Ikaztegieta’s Festivities

Ikaztegieta | Festivities






9 August. Day of the cuadrillas

  • 12:00. Chupinazo
  • 12:15. Small fronton finals.
  • After lunch. Musical bingo and mus tournament.
  • 18:00. Zük elektrotxaranga.
  • Afterwards. Zahagiardoa.
  • 23:00. Bide batez romeria.
  • 05:00. Chocolate.

10 August. San Lorenzo Day

  • 12:00. Kalejira with the Pako Belea troupe.
  • 12:15. Txakoli tasting.
  • 17:30. Monologues. Ander Malbadi, Mirari Martiarena and Iker Plazaola.
  • 19:00. Potato omelette competition, with music.
  • 23:30. Concert night. Feos pero majos, Txoriburu produkzioak.

11th August. Children’s Day

  • 12:00. Gymkhana workshop.
  • 13:30. Children’s lunch.
  • 15:00-18:00. Water inflatables.
  • Afterwards. Snack.
  • 21:00. Popular dinner.
  • 23:00. Eingo.