Ehunmilak 2024
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Ehunmilak 2024

Abaltzisketa Altzo Amezketa Asteasu Tolosa | Sport event



The ultratrail race Ehunmilak will pass through Tolosaldea again in its 2024 edition, specifically on July 13th.

The race will enter Tolosaldea via Zelatun and continue along the Hernio mountain range until it reaches the Montezkue neighbourhood and descends to Tolosa. From Tolosa it will continue towards Altzo, and after passing through the foothills of Otsabio mountain it will descend, passing through Jazkue gaina, to the Ugarte neighbourhood and Amezketa. From there it will go up to Larraitz and then to Mount Txindoki, continuing the route outside Tolosaldea.


At the same time, the G2Haundiak trail race will pass through Tolosaldea during the night of 12-13 July, although on a shorter route: the race will reach Larraitz and climb Txindoki.
