
Eguzkitza Cider House

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Eguzkitza Cider House

Although the farmhouse has been producing cider for years, Eguzkitza opened the cider house in the 1990s. It maintains ancestral customs.

They make cider with apples from Tolosaldea, and as well as being able to taste it with the traditional menu in the cider house, they also offer the possibility of buying it in bottles all year round.

It is located next to the Tolosa sports centre.

Opening hours

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: Closed

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: Closed

Friday: Closed

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Contact information

How to getUsabal Auzoa, 25, 20400 Tolosa, Gipuzkoa

Phone number+34 94 367 261

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Eguzkitza Ciderhouse
Eguzkitza Ciderhouse where to eat Tolosa
Eguzkitza Ciderhouse
Eguzkitza Ciderhouse where to eat Tolosa
Eguzkitza Ciderhouse
Eguzkitza Ciderhouse where to eat Tolosa
Eguzkitza Ciderhouse
Eguzkitza Ciderhouse where to eat Tolosa
Eguzkitza Ciderhouse
Eguzkitza Ciderhouse
Eguzkitza Ciderhouse
Eguzkitza Ciderhouse where to eat Tolosa
Eguzkitza Ciderhouse
Eguzkitza Cider House
Eguzkitza Cider House

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