Anoeta facts

2.095 inhabitants

Corpus Christi, 16th June

Following the tracks of a prehistoric settlement

Separated from Irura by the Oria river, Anoeta is known for its rural landscape, full of farmhouses and for being the place where an Iron Age settlement was located: Basagain. One of Gipuzkoa’s most important archaeological sites.

Other points
of interest

Basagain: remains of a prehistoric settlement

On Basagain’s vantage point a walled settlement was located here on the Iron Age, about 2,000 to 2,500 years ago. This site was discovered in 1989. Archaeological digs take place every year, where what it could be the Basque Country’s first prehistorical urban map was found. Many other pieces found here are displayed at San Telmo museum in St. Sebastian, or kept at the Centre of Patrimonial Colections.

Basagain anoeta
Basagain: remains of a prehistoric settlement

Old farmhouses

Anoeta has numerous scattered farmhouses, some of them with great patrimonial value, due to their architecture and history. For example Ardindegi –from the 15th century, and one of the firsts in Anoeta– or Ateaga –16th century farmhouse halfway to Asteasu and with a large coat of arms on the facade–.

Anoeta Ateaga farmhouse
Old farmhouses

San Juan church

Romanesque building, from the 16th century. With Gothic style architecture, while the inside is a mix of Reinassance and Barroque styles. Next to it, the town hall square.

Anoeta San Juan Church
San Juan church

A picnic area with grills

Very close to the centre of the village, next to the sports centre, there’s a beautiful picnic area with grills and surrounded by fields, perfect to enjoy summer days. Next to it there’s a big car park.

A picnic area with grills

Ieratxulo mill

Located on the other side of the railway, on the path to Villabona. The first documents mentioning it are from 1551. Worth mentioning the stone arches of the drains on the bottom part.

Anoeta Ieratxulo mill
Ieratxulo mill

Anoeta Argindegi
Anoeta Argindegi farmhouse
Anoeta farmhouse
Anoeta square
Basagain Anoeta
Basagain Anoeta
Anoeta church