Useful information
Directory of Tolosaldea services: pharmacies, banks, sports centers, hospitals, etc.
Normal opening hours are from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 17:00 to 20:00. Closed on Sundays and holidays.
See directory of shopsMeals and dinners
The usual service are from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., and from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
View restaurant directoryBanks and ATMs
Banks open in the morning from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Not all commercial establishments accept credit cards.
Tourist tax
There is no tourist tax.
Arratibel, San Juan kalea 38
+34 943 654 722
Morant, Zabalarreta 1
+34 943 673 849
Azpiroz, Larramendi kalea 6
+34 943 675 118
Bengoetxea, Kale Nagusia 7
+34 943 670 648
Bronte, Korreo Kalea 20
+34 943 676 013
Etxebeste, Gernikako Arbolaren Lorategiak, 3
+34 943 651 040
Iñaki Olarreaga, Korreo kalea 2
+34 943 67 01 28
Olarreaga, Martin J. Iraola, 10
+34 943 672 438
Santamaria, Nafarroa Etorbidea 2
+34 943 654 610
Herriko plaza 2
+34 943 652 707
Bartolome Deunaren Kalea 28
+34 943 653 639
Sanchez, Kale Berria 34
+34 943 691 130
Botanz, Errota kalea 9
+34 943 690 978
Lejeune, Euskal Herria kalea 24
+34 943 673 274
Mugika, Euskal Herria kalea 3
+34 943 670 915
Ernio Bidea 2
+34 943 691 840
Ibarrazpi pasealekua 2
+34 943 690 088
Joxe Mari Goikoetxea 31
+34 943 683 602
Leitza-Tolosa Etorbidea 6
+34 943 683 167
Paper kalea 1
+34 943 654 722
Adult medical emergencies
Centro de Salud de Tolosa
Gernikako Arbola s/n
+34 943 006 800
Children medical emergencies
Hospital Donostia
Gernikako Arbola s/n
+34 943 007 000
Clínica Asunción
Izaskungo aldapa s/n
+34 943 697 000
Emergency phone
Tolosa Municipal Police
Ayuntamiento de Tolosa, Plaza Zaharra
+34 943 675 858
Villabona Municipal Police
Ayuntamiento de Villabona
+34 943 693 980
Ertzaintza (Basque police)
Comisaría de Tolosa
Santa Klara kalea, 2
+34 943 538 820
Traffic information
Sports centers
There are several Sports Centers in Tolosaldea
Usabal Sports Center (Tolosa)
Sports courts, Spa, indoor and outdoor pools, fitness room, paddle tennis and squash courts, climbing wall, etc...
Abraham Olano Sports Center (Anoeta)
Sports fields, weights room, cycling center, multipurpose rooms...
09:00-12:30 | 15:00-21:00
Belabieta Sports Center (Ibarra)
Sports courts, Fronton, spinning room, gym, bouldering, etc...
08:00-13:00 | 15:00-21:30
Olaederra Sports Center (Villabona)
Sports courts, indoor pool, fronton, spinning room, gym, etc...
08:00-13:00 | 15:00-21:30
Swimming pools
Tolosaldea has two outdoor municipal swimming pools, which open from mid-June to mid-September. Both pools have cafeteria service.
Usabal swimming pool (Tolosa)
Asteasu swimming pool